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Y18 Elegant Spirits Ltd

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Albert Bichot Domaine du Clos Frantin Gevrey-Chambertin Les Murots 2017 (750ml)

  • Product Code: A-5162-N2
  • Availability: In Stock

HK$460.00 HK$540.00


Since 1350, the Bichot family has called Burgundy home. But, it was in 1831 that Bernard Bichot founded a merchant house bearing his name in Monthélie, a couple of kilometers south of Beaune. At the end of the 19th century, his grandson Albert Bichot took the family business into a new direction and created the winery, Maison Albert Bichot as we know it. The family heritage has been perpetuated from father to son since then. The family crest, consisting of a deer and antlers, has been synonymous with the winery since its inception.

Since 1996, Albéric Bichot has represented the 6th generation managing the winery. The winery’s mission is to utilize the best fruit possible to create the best wine and best expression of terroir. In the constant pursuit of accomplishing this mission, Albert Bichot has acquired 250 acres of vineyards in the most reputed growing areas throughout Burgundy. In addition to this expertise as a wine-grower, Albert Bichot carefully sources grapes with an extremely hands-on approach, in order to vinify many of its regional and village wines, enabling them to supply high quality wines with continuity. For these grapes sourced from our partner growers, quality, and a close partnership, are of the utmost importance.  

Albert Bichot owns 6 Domaines set at the heart of 5 great vinicultural regions that make up Burgundy: Chablis, Cote de Nuits, Cote de Beaune, Cote Chalonnaise, and Beaujolais. Each estate consists of vineyards cultivated with sustainable practices, as well as facilities, cellars and dedicated winemaking teams devoted to wines of that Domaine and region.

自1350年以來,Bichot一家將勃艮第的家稱為“家”。但是,直到1831年,伯納德·比克特(Bernard Bichot)在博納以南幾公里的蒙塞利(Monthélie)創立了一家以他的名字命名的商人。 19世紀末,他的孫子Albert Bichot將家族生意推向了新的方向,並創立了我們所知的釀酒廠Maison Albert Bichot。從那時起,家族的遺產就從父親傳給兒子。自成立以來,由鹿和鹿角組成的家族徽章一直是該酒莊的代名詞。

自1996年以來,AlbéricBichot代表酒莊的第六代管理人。該酒廠的任務是利用最好的水果創造出最好的葡萄酒和最佳的風土表現。在不斷追求完成這一使命的過程中,阿爾伯特·比肖特(Albert Bichot)在整個勃艮第最著名的種植區收購了250英畝的葡萄園。除了作為釀酒師的專業知識外,阿爾伯特·比克特(Albert Bichot)還以極其親身實踐的方式精心採購葡萄,以使其許多地區和鄉村葡萄酒得到葡萄酒釀造,從而使他們能夠連續不斷地提供優質葡萄酒。對於這些來自我們合作夥伴種植者的葡萄來說,質量和緊密的合作關係至關重要。

阿爾伯特·比肖特(Albert Bichot)擁有6個域,分別位於勃艮第的5個主要葡萄種植區的中心:夏布利,蔚藍海岸,博訥海岸,夏洛內丘陵和博若萊。每個莊園都包括採用可持續實踐方式種植的葡萄園,設施,地窖以及專門生產該Domaine和該地區葡萄酒的專門釀酒團隊。

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